Getting Started
All models available from our hub come with an easy-to-use .cpp demo project.
- cmake
- Visual Studio (on Windows)
- XCode with Clang (on Mac)
- Download the package for your desired OS & hardware combination from
- Unpack the .zip file, you end up with a folder structure like
- cmake
- demo
- include
- lib / (on MacOS)
- licenses
- From the hub download the Demo Project and Pytorch Payload .bin file.
- Unzip the demo project and put contained folder into the package folder. Additionally copy the downloaded .bin file into the ..._demo folder:
- cmake
- demo
- <some_model_identifier>_demo/
- <downloaded_model>.bin
- CMakeLists.txt
- ...
- include
- lib / (on MacOS)
- licenses
- In a terminal navigate into the demo folder:
cd package/<some_model_identifier>_demo
- Invoke cmake configuration command:
cmake -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -A x64 -T v142 -S . -B build
cmake -S . -B build
cmake -S . -B build
This creates project files in the build folder.
- Invoke build command:
cmake --build build --config Release
This builds the demo executable and copies all needed libraries, the ai model file and an input image next to the executable.
- Run the demo executable: